Unlike cheaper wands, this one delivers power without being overly noisy.
the battery lasts for hours, which is a huge plus
She’s got the perfect balance of softness and durability!
Her weight is manageable, and the posing ability is excellent.
One of the first decisions you'll make when choosing your doll is if you would like to customize or buy this doll as you see it.
Selecting the 'Same as photo' options mean just that.
Your doll will be made to look just like she does in the photos, wig, eyes, skin tone... The lot. This is what is commonly referred to as a pre-configured sex doll.
You will be asked to select which vagina option you want, and which foot option you would like. This is just to make sure you get exactly what you want, and to avoid any disappointment. (It can be hard to tell if the doll has a fixed or insert vagina from the photos, so we give you the opportunity to tell us exactly what you want.)
Selecting the 'Custom made' option means you get to choose all the little details yourself and swap out any bits you don't like. See below for a brief explanation of all the Customize sex doll options available, and what each one means.
The body refers to the model number and often includes the height, breast size and manufacture of the doll.
When viewing a pre-configured sex doll, the body is pre-selected. To change the body, search through our collection here, and select a doll with a body that you like. Doll's come in all different shapes and sizes.
Almost any body-shape imaginable is available.
All heads have a specific name or number (depending on the manufacturer). Most manufacturers give their doll's head a number, some manufacturers give them names.
The head name or number can be found in the doll's description.
Heads are not connected permanently to the doll's body and can be removed or changed at any time.
All heads can be made to look very different depending on make-up, eye colour and wig choice.
We list the most popular heads on our site. However, we have access to all sex doll heads from all of our sex doll manufacturers. We have access to the full collection of the Brands we carry, if you can't find the doll that you're looking for, please let us help you by contacting our friendly customer care.
Check out all of our sex doll heads here. (Under construction)
Q: Why does the same skin tone look different between dolls?
Skin tone can look vastly different between photos, this is due to the photography conditions and any post-photography effects that have sometimes been implemented for visual effect.
A: It can be affected by one or more of the following:
*We use the skin colour name provided by our manufacturers. We do not alter the skin colour name.
The eyes of a sex doll are not fixed permanently and can be removed/changed at any point.
A change of eye colour can significantly change the whole look of your doll.
Can't decide which eye colour you like best? Why not add an extra set of eyes so you can switch between the two colours any time you like?
Check out our sex dolls eyes here. (Under construction)
As you might have guessed, dolls don't grow their own hair, they have wigs. There are a huge amount of wigs to choose from.
Each manufacturer has a specific selection of wigs that they offer.
The wigs available have been chosen by the manufacturer, the selection is designed to give you a wide variety of styles to choose from.
Want the wig in the photos, but can't see the option?
Select: Same as photo
We offer a "Same as photo" option so our customers can request the wig in the photos.
An example of when a doll is displayed with curly red hair, yet there is no option for curly red hair in the wig options. In this instance, select "Same as photo".
The areola is the circular area surrounding the nipples.
The size refers to the diameter of the areola.
The areola is hand finished (stained by hand using TPE stain) by the workshop artists and can be made to any size (within reason). However, the dolls often have a textured area pre-moulded into the doll's body which can restrict the recommended areola sizes, these textured areas are usually visible in the doll's photos. Of course, it is possible to stain the doll's areola to any size larger than the textured area, but it's not necessarily recommended...
If you are unsure about this option, we recommend selecting the "Same as photo" option. Our workshop artists will always try to make the areola size look as realistic as possible to ensure good doll aesthetics.
The areola is the circular area surrounding the nipples.
The areola colour is hand finished (stained by hand using TPE stain) by the workshop artists and can be made any colour. Generally, we recommend making the areola and labia colour the same or similar.
If in doubt, we recommend selecting the "Same as photo" option. Our workshop artists will always try to make the areola look as realistic as possible to ensure good doll aesthetics. You cannot change the nipple style/shape.
The vagina option is available in two options: Fixed or Insert.
Here are some pros and cons for both options so you can make up your own mind.
The Fixed Vagina (Permanent)
The Vagina Insert (Removable)
Anonymous Quotes from The Doll Forum
“Built-in... don't get it unless you're purely for aesthetics. Inserts... get it if you're a horny dog... and get TWO inserts because you like to put a dry clean insert in after each time!”
“Now that I've found the best way to clean them, built-in. 100%”
“Built-in all the way. I've had both and consider the insert actually more trouble and certainly aesthetically inferior.”
“I have both, a PIB GND that has an insert and a WM140 that has a built in vagina and since I bought a good plastic wide rim container it is just as easy to clean either because I don't have to lift one or the other and manipulate them to & from the bathroom! Just a good towel and the container on top of the bed and a lady with a built-in is cleaned just as easily right there with no mess if handled carefully. "
"I'd definitely go the insert, it's just easy to clean - not tried the fixed though!"
Well, there you have it, folks. We think it comes down to personal preference and to individual technique when it comes to cleaning.. the choice is yours.
Many (but not all) of the dolls available offer the choice of solid, or hollow breast.
What's the difference? Other than one being hollow and the other NOT being hollow... The hollow breasts are "squishier" and help with reducing the overall weight of the doll, particularly if you are considering a doll with extra large boobies...
As a general rule...
Now Jinsan offers gel implants. WM + YL + OR.
The labia is hand coloured to your requirements. All manufacturers offer basic colouring and definition, some manufacturers (such as Irontech) offer ultra-realistic artistic definition and detail in the naughty parts upon request.
Generally, we recommend colouring the labia the same as the areola colour, and if in doubt, we recommend selecting "Same as photo" on both to ensure the workshop artists colour the naughty bits just like the glamour shots, which is debatably the doll at her best...
We all know what pubic hair is, some of us love it, some of us can't stand the stuff...
Either way, pubic hair is available in multiple styles and colours. Some manufacturers (like Irontech) plug the hair into the doll's skin to give it a more realistic look and feel. Others simply glue the hair onto the surface of the doll's skin. Check with us before purchase if you are concerned. We can order it as a patch you can glue on yourself - well not on you, on the doll, silly!
Like real fingernails + toenails, they can be painted. There's not a lot more to explain about nail colour, other than - You can choose the colour.
Tip: If you can't make your mind up about fingernail and toenail colours, we would recommend getting natural fingernails. Why? Because you can always paint them at a later date, just like real fingernails!
The feet are available in two options: Standing or Non-Standing.
Standing feet are by far the most popular foot option with our sex dolls, as you may have guessed, the standing foot option enables the doll to stand upright.
With the standing feet option, there are three (very small) metal bolt heads that protrude slightly from the bottom of the foot to enable the doll to stand unassisted. In our opinion, this small visual sacrifice is worth it, you can stand your doll for long periods of time for photography, intimacy or storage. However, we recommend not leaving your doll free-standing whilst unsupervised as he/she may fall and become damaged.
Standing feet are great for:
Standing feet are not great for:
FAQs about standing feet:
Moving Shoulders is an upgrade that can be added before you "ADD TO CART". Look for the "Choice of skeleton".
EVO skeleton is the name given to the skeleton upgrade that enables the doll to squat. Please see below.
The EVO skeleton is an upgrade that can be added before you "ADD TO CART". Look for the "EVO skeleton" option under "View Upgrades & Accessories".
You can view a video here.
The enhanced mouth feature is available on many of the Jinsan dolls (WM, YL & OR) and it is specifically designed for oral sex enhancement rather than kissing. It has a ridged inner mouth similar to the standard mouth and a small tongue set quite back from the lips. The enhanced mouth provides a realistic look to your doll's mouth, even including the uvula (the part that hangs down in the back of your throat). The enhanced mouth makes oral sex with your doll even more amazing than it already is with the standard mouth. If you're buying it for kissing, you may be disappointed, if you're buying it for oral sex, you'll definitely be blown....away.
The enhanced mouth is an upgrade that can be added before you "ADD TO CART". Look for the "Enhanced Mouth" option under "View Upgrades & Accessories".
It’s all in the name. The removable tongue is a basic TPE tongue that is compatible with most sex doll mouths. It can enhance both kissing and oral sex a little but most would admit it gets in the way. Its primary use is to add a little cheekiness to photoshoots.
The removable tongue is an upgrade that can be added before you "ADD TO CART". Look for the "Removable tongue" option under "View Upgrades & Accessories".
The best of both worlds, transform any female love doll into a transexual doll without going under the knife! The penis adaptor quickly and easily enables our female sex dolls to become trans sex dolls.
Available in two sizes:
Regular: 6 Inches
Large: 7 Inches